BLOGS: Womble Carlyle China Practice

Monday, April 14, 2008, 3:09 PM

Lunch with Ken Stewart, Commissioner, Georgia Department of Economic Development

Commissioner Ken Stewart of the Georgia Department of Economic Development will address Georgia-China Alliance members regarding Governor Sonny Perdue’s trip to China and the state of Georgia-China relations in general. The GCA looks forward to welcoming Commissioner Stewart back home after a successful trip!

Monday, April 21, 2008
Noon – 1:30 p.m.
SunTrust Plaza
World Trade Center
303 Peachtree St NE # 100Atlanta, GA 30308(404) 880-1550
Please RSVP by Wednesday, April 16, 2008 at under “event”

GCA Members $10; Non-Members $30. We are limited to 50 at this event; GCA members receive priority until April 17, 2008. Parking at SunTrust Plaza garage will be validated.

Payment: A check payable to “Georgia China Alliance” at the registration table

For additional information: or call (678) 334-6136.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008, 1:20 PM

Womble Carlyle Hosts Reception at Chinese Embassy

Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr., a member of Womble Carlyle's Baltimore office and former Governor of Maryland, highlighted Womble Carlyle's China initiative in remarks to more than 100 business and government leaders Thursday at the Chinese Embassy in Washington. Womble Carlyle launched its successful China initiative in 2007 to strengthen relations between industries in the U.S. and China.

The "Gateway to China" forum was sponsored by the Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce of Virginia. Other speakers included Minister Counselor Zhang Ping of the Chinese Embassy and U.S. Representative Tom Davis of Virginia.

(L to R): Jerry Boykin, U.S. Rep. Tom Davis of Virginia, Governor Ehrlich, and Minister Counselor Zhang from the Chinese Embassy
photo courtesy of the Chinese Embassy

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Additional photos

(L to R): Jack Kantak, Zion Levi, & Mel Chaskin. Mr. Kantak and Mr. Chaskin work for Vanguard Research

(L to R): Womble Carlyle's Zion Levi & Guanming Fang

(L to R): U.S. Rep. Tom Davis of Virginia & Governor Ehrlich

(L to R): Minister Counselor Zhang Ping & Governor Ehrlich

(L to R): Liansheng Li, Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in the U.S.
& Governor Ehrlich

(L to R): Governor Ehrlich & Jerry Boykin
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